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SimpleSK: What it does


SimpleSK is a Skript API which requires skript-mirror. The purpose of this addon is simply to allow you to use plenty of easier conditions, expressions, and effects inside of your scripts. Learning to use SimpleSK might be hard for some beginners, but it is quite easy if you know a basic understanding of how computers work and how files work.

Why you should use it

SimpleSK offers Entity Tags, something not in regular Skript, which can store strings and numbers inside of an entity. This is a very useful feature which allows you to add special features to entities. Alongside that, SimpleSK has a very good Cooldown manager allowing you to easily start cooldowns, forcefully end them, check if they exist, see how long until they expire, and etc. It also offers a number of useful expressions that work generally in any way.

That is the end of this page. Next, you can go see how to install it.

Last updated