
What is an Auto?

What is an Auto?

The core of SmartGPT is the Auto. An Auto is a system that will self-prompt to complete some sort of goal, using a set of tools.

There are two types of Autos:

  • Assistants: These are Autos that will return feedback to the user, and can be prompted further if asked to improve its work and what-not.

  • Runners: These are Autos that are given a single task to complete, that will stop running once done.

Your Auto is defined by your config.yml. First, the type option.

# Runner Autos
type: !runner
    task: My task.
# Assistant Autos: Experimental
type: !assistant

Components of Autos

Autos have four main components.

  • Toolset: Autos have access to all of the commands given to them by the plugins you define. You can opt out of specific commands from them using the disabled commands option.

  • Memory: Autos have a memory system that allows them to store and retrieve long-term memories. This is explained more in the Memory article.

  • LLM: Autos have access to a large language model such as gpt-3.5-turbo to generate responses.

  • Agent: Autos, under the hood,

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